Monday, December 7, 2009

Harper offside with majority on cliimate change

It goes without saying that by blocking Bill C311 (the NDP's climate change target bill), that the Liberal party is just as offside. Industry has got them on pretty short leashes, particularly when it comes to the tar sands. His strategy of pointing the finger at the developing world and the United States is obviously not having much of an effect on the public.

Canadians, Conservatives differ on climate: poll

A brazen protest, a sobering poll and a massive petition turned up the heat on the Harper government Monday over its climate-change position as a major United Nations conference began in Copenhagen...

The federal Tories say they won't sign any deal in Copenhagen to replace the Kyoto Protocol unless developing countries also adopt tough targets.

But 64 per cent of respondents to a Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey said rich nations have a responsibility to commit to higher and harder targets than developing countries.

Most also want to see a binding agreement come out of Copenhagen, and 81 per cent said Canada should act independently of the United States.

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