Sunday, March 1, 2009

Under the Sea 3D

On Saturday night I went to see the recently released "Under the Sea 3D", the latest IMAX film from Director Howard Hall and his production team. Having never seen an IMAX 3-D film, I wasn't sure what to expect. It was a huge "WOW". The photography is truly breathtaking and the 3-D effects make you feel like you're right there with the fish and sharks swimming around you. I wholeheartedly recommend this 40 minute documentary to everyone, but particularly anyone with younger children.

The movie was filmed in underwater locations in Australia and Papau New Guinea. Here's the non 3D trailer.

The climate change message was a bit subtle - i.e. increased carbon dioxide levels are killing coral reefs and destroying habitat for thousands of species of fish. There was a slightly unsettling reassurance by narrator Jim Carrey that since we now know about the problem, we expect action to be taken. Not sure it works that easily.

Here's the New York Times' positive review of Under the Sea 3D.

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